Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How Adorable Are These Valentines?

I stole this idea from Christie. I love them because they are simple, cheap, easy to make, and original! You should make some too. It is simply a photo of your child with a sucker stuck through it.

If you want me to make them for you (minus the sucker part), you can come over, get your child's photo taken and order some. We would need to take the photo on Friday and the Valentines would be ready by Tuesday or Wednesday.

25 printed valentine cards =$25.00
Just the edited picture with message on it (you print them yourself) = $15.00


Wendy said...

These are ADORABLE!

Linsey said...

Just as cute as Christie's!

Emily said...

These are soooo cute Denae!! Oh my goodness, i can't get over it- they are ADORABLE! I wish i had a party to go to and pass these out!!

Do you think Brett would love 25 of these from me? :)

brooke said...

I saw this on Christie's blog and was lamenting the fact that I don't live in St. Louis. Now I wish I lived in BWood.

Dang--those are sooo cute and I would be mom of the year at my son's school.

The photoshop aspect of it stops me in my tracks.

Christie said...

I am so happy you are doing it - BEST MARKETING IDEA EVER. And yours look so darling. Love the lighter wall behind the girls. Clever. Yay!

Sarah Hull said...

I can't take it! Those are just too cute!!!! I might have to try those with my girls! Thanks for sharing!

Seriously... said...

i'm totally stealing this idea, if you don't mind. are your's 4x6's?

D-dawg said...

Yes, they are 4x6!

Nikki said...

So, so cute!