Friday, April 30, 2010

More of the Lynch Fam!

A few more of the Lynch family:

This is our bishop by the way. Aren't he and his wife cute? You can tell they really love eachother.

And she has the most amazing skin. She's a make up artist and at first I thought it was her makeup and she could hook me up, but no, it's just her skin. By the way, if you need hair and make up done for any special occasion call her! Her website is on my sidebar.

Aaah young love! (o:

Cody didn't want to kiss his mom and I made him. How cute is this picture? Way to go Cody!

The men.

Cute family. We had a fabulous weather day and I love our green hills right now!!
The End.

1 comment:

Lauren in GA said...

Uh, your Bishop's wife is positively gorgeous. I really love that close up of her. It captures her beauty.

They are a really cute family!!

I love that you had Cody kiss his mom.

Dear Cody,
Mom's need that. Good Job.